Nike’s first Indian campaign Da Da Ding has gone viral, taking the brand to a different level and pushing the boundaries of brand communication cross channels. Just do it – just did it in India.
Nike aims to raise the bar when it comes to their brand and focusing on their marketing over the years, they have never lost sight of what their brand can mean to so many different people.
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Table of Contents
1. Overview
Nike produced a music video thumping shot of “the ultimate girl sport squad”. All designed to promote Nike+ Training Club events and Nike+ Run Club session in Mumbai and beyond.
The video is set in India features famous women athletes. Such as Indian national field hockey player, Rani Rampal and Jyoti Ann Burrett, the youngest member of India’s national women’s football team. The twist that Nike have added is to show the girls competing in an un-girl like manner. What’s more it’s to a music beat which is not something you might expect.
Nike are pushing the boundaries. They are showing the strength of their brand and their position within the marketplace. In one sense they are almost marking their territory.
Like it or not, they are here.
2. The Nike experience
Nike are great at creating memorable brand experiences and this new advertising campaign is just that. According to their own press release adequately named after the music video “Da da ding”, India is a country in which athletics have remained male dominated.
What Nike has done through their ad is highlight those female athletes who don’t get the recognition they deserve. To push their branding in a positive way whilst at the same time let them enter into new territory and raise the bar.
They used the sociological findings into this field to help support their decision making and rationale behind the campaign. They’ve highlighted what was found in the research such as altering a woman’s self-image. Also including feelings of control, competency and strength.
3. More than a product
What Nike has created over the years is more than simply a product, they’ve created brand loyalty. What’s more they’ve created it so strongly that once a Nike customer, it is almost certain that they will remain a Nike customer.
In the new video the athletes alongside Nike are urging India’s next generation to break conventions and define their own success by bringing sport into their lives.
“Created in collaboration with Wieden+Kennedy Delhi, directed by French director François Rousselet and set to a thumping anthem by Gener8ion, featuring American rapper Gizzle, “Da Da Ding” charts the rise of female sport across a diverse range of passions, including basketball, football, running, training and India’s national obsession: cricket.”
4. Helping hand
Of course not all of the viral success can be attributed to Nike. Famous Bollywood star, Deepika Padukone who features heavily in the video promoted the ad on her Facebook page. “Sport has taught me how to survive! It has taught me how to fight! It has made me unstoppable! #JustDoIt”
Nike has achieved huge success already with this campaign. With a number of consumers tweeting Nike to let them know of their support and also how grateful they are that Nike has brought this issue to the forefront.
Whichever way it is viewed Nike’s brand is going from strength to strength. With this new video they are certainly placing themselves as the leader in this sector – especially in the minds of their target audiences.
References: Nike, Brand Channel
Pictures from: Nike, Brand Channel