A leading independent publication about strategic branding worldwide.

Branding Resources

At The Branding Journal, we want to support our community in creating strong, successful brands that stand out in today’s competitive environment. That’s why we offer complimentary branding resources, such as The Branding Community, The Branding Checklist, our Ultimate Brand Building System, or a bi-weekly newsletter.

After all, starting with peer support, step-by-step guidance, and insights will help you create a distinct brand, attract more consumers, and grow your business!

The Brand Strategy Cheat Sheet

the branding checklist

Download this Free Branding Checklist to ensure you cover all essential parts of a branding strategy.

The Branding Community

the branding community resource

A free community for branding enthusiasts to network and discuss branding, brand strategies, and brand management.

The Ultimate Brand Building System

resource the ultimate brand building system

Access our proven system to learn everything you need to be able to confidently build and manage a powerful brand.

The Branding Journal Newsletter

the branding journal newsletter

Sign up for our biweekly newsletter and get a curated selection of branding insights and inspiration in your inbox.

Branding Books

branding books resource

We have curated a list of our favorite branding books, which are a great source of knowledge and inspiration.

The Branding Journal Assistant

the branding journal assistant

Ask our AI Assistant a question and get tailored answers based on our in-depth articles and knowledge base.

Are you missing a resource? Simply contact us and we will add it to our list.