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Bacardi produces graphic novel to showcase its brand heritage!

Within the “Bacardi Untameable since 1862” campaign, Bacardi recently launched a graphic novel called “The Spirit of Bacardi”, which relates the interesting history of the Bacardi family and the brand’s origins in Cuba!


The rum brand collaborated with two iconic graphic novelists, author Warren Ellis and illustrator Michael Allred, to create this graphic novel. Bacardi asked them to work on a  project that would showcase the rich and eventful history of the Bacardi family, focusing on Emilio Bacardi, son of Don Facundo who founded the popular rum brand.


Warren Ellis explained: “Storytelling requires great characters, and in Emilio Bacardi we have exactly that. Emilio was a patriot, passionate about his homeland of Cuba. My focus was to bring his drive and determination to life.”

“For more than 150 years, BACARDI has been a brand with incredible stories to tell. Since 1862, the Bacardi family has faced earthquakes, fire, revolution, prohibition, and exile, none of which could tame their irrepressible spirit”, explains the company in the press release.

A fun fact about the creation of “The Spirit of Bacardi” is that drops of Bacardi Gold rum were added to the inks artist Michael Allred used to illustrate graphic novel!


The “Bacardi Untameable Since 1862” is the new global marketing campaign of the brand which inspires consumers to pursue their dreams no matter what, in the same way that the Bacardi family managed to reach their goals.

With the graphic novel, the brand is trying to answer consumers’ needs for both authenticity and entertainment.  The graphic novel is an original format to communicate something important about the brand: Bacardi’s attitude today directly derives from this rich and valuable heritage illustrated in the novel.

I really enjoy this interesting communication strategy; it allows Bacardi to communicate its core brand values and brand heritage in a way that engages consumers. With this out-of-the-box communication support, Bacardi manages to strengthen and control its brand image, while also providing an appealing narrative that really draws the public into the brand and its beginnings.

The Spirit of Bacardi is available for download at www.bacardi.com/spiritofbacardi

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You can also watch the film about the graphic novel here:

What do you think about using graphic novels as a communication support?
Would you read this graphic novel?

References: Il était une pub, PSFK, Medianet Press Release
Pictures from: Il était une pub

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