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Zoo Jeans: when lions, tigers and bears become fashion designers

The managers of a Japanese Zoo transformed their lions, tigers and bears into fashion designers for a fundraising initiative!  Conceived by Japan-based I&S BBDO for the Kamine Zoo in Hitachi City, Zoo Jeans are created with fabric that is ripped and chewed by some of the Zoo’s most dangerous animals before being fashioned into a limited-edition pair of jeans.

“We wrapped several pieces of denim around tires and other toys. Once they were thrown into the enclosures, the animals jumped on them,” said zoo director Nobutaka Namae, adding that the pieces were later patched together to create the finished product. Denim also provides a way for these animals to keep their teeth strong.

The Zoo displayed these unusual designers’ creations under the brand “Zoo Jeans”. The brand is an initiative of the “Mineko Club” volunteer group of zoo supporters, launched in collaboration with Kamine Zoo in Hitachi City with the goal of revivifying the local zoo. The trousers were auctioned on the internet with profits donated to the zoo and the conservation group WWF.

Branded as “the only jeans on earth designed by dangerous animals”, Zoo Jeans offer a very unique product, which differentiates itself from the competition within the ripped jeans fashion trend. The idea offers consumers a unique product while also benefiting the animals by raising money to improve their habitat.

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References: Zoo Jeans, Springwise, Japan Times,  Yahoo News 

Pictures from: Springwise, Huh Magazine, NDTV, Zoo Jeans

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