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Greenpeace’s business card takes the form of a free Metro pass

Havas Digital Russia and Greenpeace teamed up to create the EcoCard, a business card that offers free metro rides to their recipients.

In order to differentiate itself from classic business cards, Greenpeace designed one that encourages the use of greener modes of transport.


The EcoCard offers the individual’s contact information, as well as 20 to 60 rides by doubling as an actual ticket for the Moscow Metro System. With this initiative, the environmental organization is inciting its partners to use public transportation and therefore reduce CO2 emissions.

These eco-friendly business cards were designed to fight air pollution, an issue that is one of Greenpeace’s main concerns. With this out-of –the-box idea, Greenpeace clearly embeds its core brand values into an everyday business tool. This is a good example of simple yet creative branding!

References: SpringWiseLa Réclame

Pictures from: PSFK

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